How do you forgive your loved one whose suicide caused you so much suffering sadness and sorrow? How does an eleven year old boy forgive his grandfather, his best friend and hero? On an early Thursday morning, the boy told his grandfather that he would see him after school - when he got home school that day, his grandfather had died by suicide. How does a young man of 23 forgive his girlfriend, the love of his life? They spent Valentine's Day Weekend together, days filled with love and laughter, of joyful happiness. On Monday afternoon all was lost - his girlfriend died by suicide. For months the small boy felt lost and abandoned, overwhelmed with sadness as he cried himself to sleep. At times he was angry and hated his grandfather. The young man, too, felt lost and abandoned. He was lifeless, his grief agonizingly painful. He thought his life was over, nothing to live for, a future leading nowhere. The small boy and young man were both emotional wrecks - how could they ever forg...