
Showing posts from January, 2023


  "When you grieve, tears and guilt are mixed together."  Art Buchwald The loss of a loved one to suicide is so dreadfully devastating and so suddenly shocking, that you feel as though you are suffocating - for you are so overwhelmed with grief, so overcome with guilt. In your sorrowful suffering you become torn, at times trapped, between grief and guilt. Grief is agonizingly painful, physically and emotionally - you are worn out, exhausted, yet the grief endures - so endless that no amount of tears can wash it away. Guilt tortures and torments you, creates an anguish of mental havoc you jus can't seem to control - as you think of all the things you could have done to have prevented your loved one's suicide. But what you know now, you didn't know then. Guilt is a false accusation, blaming yourself for something you had no control over. Grief and guilt: nothing is more painful than grief. nothing is more torturous than guilt. Pray God that what overwhelms you today...