When you kill yourself, this is what happens - you end your life and as you do you steal life from those that love you, destroy their dreams and devastate their lives of all hope.

Their shattered souls and broken hearts will never heal, never mend. Your suicide will condemn them to a life sentence of endless nightmares. Their nights will be spent in a flood of tears, not until they fall asleep but until the sun rises - and a new day of sorrowful struggles and suffering begins, day after unending day.

Your death will cause so much destructive damage to your family that it will be beyond repair. All will be ruin. They will remember the day you died every day in mournful misery, in sadness and sorrow, in hopelessness and helplessness - forever doomed to a life of agony and anguish.

Their minds will ache in brutal pain as they abandon all hope of a peaceful life. Their lives will be spent wandering wearily, not knowing where they are or where they are going - because their life ended with yours. 

Is that what you want for the people who love you?

When you kill yourself, you don't die alone - for the soul, heart, spirit and being of those that love you, die with you - killed by your suicide. Is that what you want? When you kill yourself, you inflict a lifetime of pain, sadness and suffering on those that love you. Is that what you want.

When you kill yourself, your family and the people who love you die with you - as a tragic final fatality. Is this what you really want?

You are loved and your family and friends want to help you and they are waiting to do so. Call them now! Or call the Suicide Prevention Hotline 988. 

Contact: fortheheartcries@gmail. com


  1. Family that you see once a year aren't going to miss you too much

  2. I deeply dislike that your writing seems to suggest that suicide is an act of selfishness. In some cases perhaps, in most, certainly not. When I attempted suicide, I firmly believed that my family (who have since abandoned me) and the world would be better off without me. Life belongs to each and everyone of us. If we choose to commit suicide to end our own pain, in whichever way that manifests itself, then so be it. Yes, we may leave pain and uncertainty behind us, but no-one has to martyr themselves to a life filled with such unbearable pain and anguish, so as to minimise the potential pain of others.

    1. I hope you're still here... there is hope and life is more than unbearable pain and anguish. I know, I am living proof. Please talk to someone, anyone.

    2. You know we are called selfish and cause all this pain to family I gave no one I'm on my own 24 hours a day 7 days a week disabled with my back you say we are leaving these people if these said people cared where are they? If they cared so much they wouldn't let you feel so lonely useless and pathetic maybe if they was there they would know how you felt and did something about it when you try to tell them they think your stupid and get on with it it. Get on with what sitting alone every day on your own no sleep no body to talk to but then they'd sit at your funeral crying like they was there for you and had a value what and how you feel and the ones that do know how you feel are foing nothing for you as other people who want one thing off them font even care as long as they get what they want food and your money It's my life and I hate it who are these people to tell us how we dhod feel and live our lives there lyers

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  5. A rude awakening post like a sharp shock for me. You don't think of things like this when hurting so bad and can see no way out. For now must look again on this never ending uphill walk.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. But what if you feel no one would miss you.

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  9. Thank you for writing this. I have been feeling really low, utterly exhausted and defeated. But I will carry on because of these words and look for other possibilities. Whoever you are, you have really helped me with your writing. Thanks again.

  10. I can’t agree with this.

    You want somebody who suffers mental anguish from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep to keep suffering?

    THAT is selfishness.

  11. This is emotional blackmail.

    By all means try to convince a suicidal person that they have something to live for, but how dare you say that they should continue to suffer so they don’t disturb other people’s peace of mind.

    It’s cruel, and callous

  12. First, thank you for the article, it describes how I feel. I don't see where it says, it's an act of selfishness. To me and I read it twice, that by taking your life, the people left behind are left devastated. I lost my brother, my only sibling in 2014 and my life ended as well. I feel your pain because I often have thoughts of suicide and my cats are the only ones who would miss me. I lost my father in 2010, my brother in 2014 and now my mother in 2024. I have no one left in my immediate family except yes, my cats. They are the only reason I stay. Who else would miss me. But when my brother decided to end his life, he left behind a wife, children,mother, sister. I wish he knew how much he mattered and how much he would be missed. So anyone contemplating suicide, YOU MATTER.


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