March 19, 1994
Feast of Saint Joseph

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is love their mother,"
                                            Theodore M. Hesburgh - (former) President of Notre Dame

When I was in high school I was taught by the Sisters of Saint Joseph, and we would be off this day in honor of their patron and the patron of fathers and  workers. I am off this day and have been off for some time - off center and off my rocker.

From the day I was married I prayed to Saint Joseph to help me a good husband - and when that special day would come, he would help me be a good father. I failed, neither happened. It is said that God helps those who help themselves. That's mostly true but there are some people, of which I am one, who have difficulty helping themselves and need more of God's help. Maybe He did try to help me more but I just wasn't interested. For a helping hand to work it not only needs to be offered, but it also needs to be accepted. Guess I just turned my back.

My dad and brother are good fathers and loving husbands. In an interview about a month before he was killed, John Lennon was asked how he wanted to be remembered. He answered, "That he was a good father." My dad and brother are such men.

I would have loved a little girl and I know my father would have cherished a granddaughter. But it was not to be. Today I am glad I'm not a father, for I know a divorce can be hazardous to a child's well being and the divorce may have caused damage that could never be repaired. 

On the front page of today's Orlando Sentinel was this headline: "No Moment Of Truth! Divorce A Long, Slow Erosion of Feeling." And that it is.

This morning I visited a my friend from Jack Conway, Carl and his wife - whose name I have forgotten. They have a beautiful cottage on a sand dune overlooking the Atlantic. I didn't tell them I'm divorced, just didn't.

If Maggie and I had been blessed with a daughter, we were going to call her, Kerry Anne. Her initials would have been,KAT. So, that's that! Oh, what might have been.

2:00pm   Meadowland Library   -   Melbourne, Florida


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