May 10, 1994

"We must love one another or die."
                 W. H. Auden  -  September 1, 1939

I read these words in a now forgotten book or magazine, "The beasts of hell walk among in the clothes of the common man or woman." Oh, so true! Hell truly is other people and the devil comes to us dressed in many disguises. I am constantly amazed and disturbed by the harm, pain and suffering people inflict on one another.

As I rode by the house this morning I saw Deb working on her window boxes and wondered what she was thinking. I know that she does not realize the pain and suffering she has caused me, nor does she probably care. And I fully understand the importance of blood being thicker than water, but that doesn't excuse her cold heartlessness and her superior sense of self-righteousness.  She reminds me of Pontious Pilate and her hands will be forever stained by my innocent blood. Will she pray for me when I die? I doubt it! Kindness has never been one of her virtues, so I doubt she'll even light a penny candle in my memory.

Yes, we must love one another or die, but it has become easier to hate people than to love them. Love requires sacrifice, effort and understanding. A helping hand requires the giving of one's self for the benefit of another. Most people refuse to make time for such giving and they find it a lot easier to turn their heads than to offer their hands. Good Samaritans are hard to find.  And it has become a lot easier today to give up on someone than it is to help them.

Death is forever. Life is short regardless of how long a person lives. The pain associated with death of a loved one is always deep, sorrowful and difficult. As I face death, I know I have many faults and weaknesses - and I was capable of of improving myself in many ways but never bothered to do so. I don't know why? I should have shown Maggie how much I loved  her more often, with kindness and gentleness.

Thursday is the Feast of the Ascension and three of Christ's final words to His apostles were, "Love one another." Why is it that one of the simplest commands is so difficult to obey and achieve? A command that is followed brings goodness, joy and happiness into our hearts and lives  -  three emotional qualities we desperately seek to obtain. Is it because we lack the principles to love freely and without expectations? Without strings attached? Probably! What we fail tp realize is that love is always and simply the gift of giving. Love one another or die. One of the reasons I have chosen death is not because I've lost love but because I never learned to love freely and now have no one to love.

12:30pm   -   Eldredge Library  -   Chatham, MA


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